Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Welcome to Sheri's India Blog

Hi Everyone!
A friend of mine was gracious enough to set up a blog spot so that I can keep you all posted while I'm in India from 11/11 through 12/12.  This trip came up quite quickly and the following things have transpired over the past two weeks:
  • After a whole pile of paperwork, I've obtained my one-year multiple entry work Visa for India,
  • My flight is now booked and my hotel room (Courtyard Marriott) is reserved. 
  • Last Saturday I got my only outstanding immunization (thank you PPG for taking care of so many of my immunizations during my employment with you - they came in quite handy!).  This last shot kept my shoulder sore for literally three days - what the heck is in that thing? 
  • With Malaria and Dengue Fever, both of which are carried by mosquitoes, seriously on the rise in Gurgaon (where I'll be staying, it's just outside of New Delhi) I have purchased what feels like a year's supply of military-grade mosquito repellent (and have my six weeks of malaria medicine, as well as antibiotics in the event that my stomach doesn't agree with the food, in hand!  Don't worry, I'm WELL versed in the knowledge of only drinking bottled water that has not previously been opened)
  • I've been able to touch base with my primary contact in India and I know that he and the rest of my colleagues will be taking good care of me.
I'd been wondering how I'd do for five weeks without much mobility (for safety reasons, I likely won't be able to just go out and wander around on my own without a driver or some other known escort.)  The past 24 hours has given me a small glimpse into that.  I'm currently "stranded" in Hanover, PA as Hurricane Sandy is passing through.  The company's office has been closed for the past day and will not re-open until tomorrow, so my team has been stuck in the hotel working for what will end up being 1.5 days.  I'm embarrassed to report that I have not handled it extremely well.  Of course if you'd normally told me I'd get to plant myself in a hotel for a day and half I'd be psyched, thinking it sounds super relaxing!  But the minute you tell me I CAN'T leave, I naturally go stir crazy. 

I'd also been a bit nervous about the frequent power outages that I hear occur in Gurgaon, but I don't think they are long-lasting.  I'm confident they are NOTHING compared to what many of our friends, loved ones and colleagues will be experiencing in the next week (or more) as a result of "Super Storm Sandy".  My heart goes out to you all.  You're troopers!

Once I get over to India, I'll try and post regular updates to let you know the cultural side of what I'm experiencing.  Talk to you soon!

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