Sunday, December 16, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Hey everybody! I made it home safely on Thursday and even finagled a three seat row to myself for the 15 hour flight from Delhi to New York (so got in a good 9 or 10 hours of sleep). I only had a two hour layover at JFK to get through immigration, pick up my luggage, get through customs, recheck my luggage, change terminals and get to my gate. My heart sank when I entered Immigration and saw at LEAST 1,000 people. I figured there was no way I'd make my flight. But due to my "short" connection they moved me towards the front of the line, so I made it through in 30 or 40 minutes. Unfortunately, I then had to wait another 40 minutes or so for my luggage to show up for me to get through customs. By the time I got to my gate they were already boarding. Unfortunately, my luggage didn't make it, so they put it on the next flight and delivered it to my home that afternoon - which was quite nice/painless.
My largest adjustment (well, other than the time adjustment/jet-lag) has been driving. I hadn't driven in a month, and the two things that struck me here at home were a) how quiet the roads seem here. (I didn't think I'd noticed all the honking in India- maybe I subconsciously tuned it out- but IDifinitely noticed the LACK of honking in Charlotte. It is really nice, but was a little unsettling at first) and b) that everybody seems to stay within the lanes here!!!  If there are lines painted on the road, people seem to stay in them. What an amazing concept!

Ok. I expect this to be my last post. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this trip as much as I did!  Please keep in touch: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (and New Year) to you! 

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