Sunday, November 18, 2012

First work day

So, I've officially survived my first weekend in India. I didn't do a whole lot other than relax, acclimate to the food and time, catch up a bit on reading, etc. My hotel is on a road that I wouldn't want to be out walking on by myself, and I wasn't yet up for the taxi experience, so I stayed put most of the weekend. I did go out to dinner on Saturday night with Rohit, the General Manager of our office here, and his wife Divia. Together we tentatively planned the rest of my weekends here (and collectively realized that three weekends is really not much time!). I'll spend one weekend in the Delhi area, taking a tour led by one of Divia's friends, visiting another main attraction with one of the guys from the office who just moved back from the US and wants to visit it himself, and then of course - shopping!
The next weekend I'll be arranging a trip from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon to Agra, home of the Taj Majal. And the third weekend will be spent in Mumbai. My firm has what they call a "Network Firm" in Mumbai and they thought it would be good if I came and trained them on some of the types of project work we might use them to assist with, so I'll head there on Tuesday or Wednesday for work, spend the weekend sightseeing and then head back to Gurgaon for three more days of work before I fly home at the end of the day on Wed December 12th.
Alright, although I've only been in a car here twice so far, they've both been very interesting trips. I feel very confident making the statement that I do not think I'd EVER be able to drive in India. Lines on the road to establish traffic patterns mean absolutely nothing. There could be three lanes painted out, yet five cars (or four cars and a random moped), or even, as I experienced Saturday, a pig with us on the road.
The only "rules" I was able to work out were that:
a) if there's space ahead of you on the road it is yours to either grab or lose to someone (or something) else and
b) just because you are in a space on the road and traffic is moving, doesn't mean you have to be moving. If you are lost, just stop exactly where you are and ask someone (no need to pull to the side), or if your rickshaw needs repair, again, no apparent need to get it off the road before you try and fix it.
OK, the other interesting thing that happened returning from dinner was that we went through a roadblock where they stopped every car and had the driver blow into a breathalyzer on the spot (apparently no concerns about sanitation). Rohit had only had one beer over multiple hours, but that is apparently the limit. Had he had two, I have no idea what would've happened.

I'm going to sign-off now and get ready for my first day of work. I don't start until 10, and then we'll work a little later so that we overlap with the US a bit.

Before I go, I did want to share with you a picture of Gurgaon from outside my 10th story hotel window.  It will probably help you understand why Rohit suggested that I bring an extra inhaler to help me better manage my asthma/lungs... :-(

For those of you on the road early for Thanksgiving, safe travels and have a very wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing great, Sheri - well done! Do post pictures as you can and as you get out to see the sights... I want to see more!

    Take care - Nancy
