Sunday, November 25, 2012

Malaria Meds and videos

So, after sleeping really poorly about every other night for the past 5 or 7 days I realized that rather than it being due to jet-lag I think it's a side effect of the malaria medication I'm taking.  I'm on Malarone, which typically has the least side effects, but it is different person by person.  Last night I am sure I never slept more than an hour at a time and when I was awake I was somewhat paranoid and my skin felt very itchy (as if mosquitos were biting me - imagine that!  Of course there didn't appear to be any mosquitos in the room but I was forever scratching at my skin, and tossing and turning in bed).  Oh well.  At this point all I'm going to do is hope it gets better.  If it doesn't I'll have to make the decision of whether to keep taking it or not (though I'm pretty committed to continuing to take it, esp with a four day trip to Mumbai coming up next week....)

I'm experimenting with the best way to upload videos.  Not sure why it's so difficult, but I do know that while over here, I can't seem to watch any of CNN's US videos, but can watch the videos from their International version, so I'm assuming whatever is driving that is part of the difficulty I'm having uploading videos from here that those of you outside of India/Asia can view......

Gotta run.  Have a great end of the weekend and/or start to the week!


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