Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hitting a wall....

The past two evenings here have been the most difficult by far.  Monday evening I knew I was struggling and a bit frustrated but it took me until last night (Tuesday evening), when I was quite frustrated and tired, to really figure out why.  My first work week here was the week of Thanksgiving in the US, so communication (from a work perspective) was rather light, but then everyone came back to work this past Monday all refreshed.  I, on the other hand, worked Thursday (really, I only worked a few hours, went to Kingdom of Dreams for 4 or 5 hours, then went back to the hotel and worked more, so it wasn't quite a full work day) and Friday, and also all day Sunday to get/stay caught up.  So I started Monday rather tired, worked on "India" work at the office all day Monday, then as I was getting ready to leave there, e-mails started coming in from the US and I had a number of phone calls (that I'd set up!  What was I thinking!) that kept me on the phone or otherwise working until about 11pm.  Same thing happened yesterday until I finally cut it off at 10pm because I hadn't even had a chance yet to eat dinner at that point.  So, needless to say, I'm working through how to better manage and prioritize my schedule so that I don't burn out, because that doesn't do me, or anyone else, any good.  I'll fill you in later this week on how I've done in that regard!

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