Friday, November 16, 2012

Made it!

So, I made it safely to Delhi and then on to my hotel in nearby Gurgaon. In fact, despite a late departure from JFK (supposedly because we were waiting for Air Force One to land) we still arrived close to an hour early. I was through immigration, had my luggage, was through customs, found my driver and we were off the airport property all before the flight was even scheduled to land.

As for the flight itself, three things of note happened:
1) I was in the aisle seat in a section with three seats. I was initially very excited because the middle seat next to me was unoccupied & said a silent thank you to my trusty travel angel. However, within about 90 seconds of the doors closing the elderly Indian lady on the other side claimed that middle seat as her own (in addition to her aisle seat). She literally sprawled out across both seats for most of the flight, often nudging into the little space I had left of my own. I let it piss me off for about three minutes but then decided that this older lady  just wanted to try and sleep/relax & being pissed off wasn't going to help.
2) At one point the flight attendant made an announcement saying there was a passenger that needed medical attention and asking any doctors or nurses on board to contact them, or to go to seat 22h. For those of you that know my history you can breathe easy. I was NOT the passenger in 22H :-). For those of you that don't know, I got sick on the plane while flying to Italy in May and they discussed landing the plane and taking me off of it. Anyway, on today's flight, as soon as they made this announcement, a HUGE crowd gathered around the sick person to see what was going on. I felt badly for that ill passenger and was thankful to have been surrounded by discreet passengers (or maybe just to have been too sick  to notice if they were gawking) on my flight in May.
3) Despite Grandma crowding my space I had a number of 1-3 hour periods when I was able to get some shut eye. When I woke up from the last one we were about 90 minutes from landing. While I was asleep that last time a number of the women seemed to transform. When I fell asleep less than 20% of the women were wearing saris or even scarves, and when I woke up that number to seemed to jump to more than 80%. I, on the other hand, just stayed in my stinky t-shirt and sweats....

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