Thursday, November 8, 2012

T minus 48 hours!!!!

Well, I leave for India in just under 48 hours.  I'm finally in that phase where I'm just excited, rather than nervous or stressed! 
  • I'm relatively packed (though there will be some more work in that regard either tonight or tomorrow). 
  • I have my military grade bug repellent (since my new #1 and #2 enemies are mosquitos and water!)
  • I have all the medication I'll need for the trip, including an extra inhaler to help my lungs adjust to the supposed pollution, and my malaria medication.  Taking malaria medication will be a first for me, and I'd historically heard nightmares about it causing bad dreams, hallucinations, etc.  Thankfully, I believe that my prescription is for the stuff with the least known side-effects.  I start it tomorrow > so I guess time will tell!
  • I've been practicing a bit with my iPad to make sure I could take videos and post them (OK, so first time around the video ended up upside down, but I'm sure I can figure that out)
  • I've also set up a Skype account to hopefully use that for some phone calls back to folks here in the US (or Germany)
  • There is a HUGE holiday/festival (Diwali) going on when I arrive (I planned it that way, since I arrive on Sunday afternoon and the office will be closed on Monday/Tuesday, it will give me a couple of days to get acclimated and caught up).  I've been forewarned not to be scared when I get off the plane, because the constant fireworks for the festival will supposedly be VERY loud.  My contact there did not want me to think that it was gun fire and just try to get right back on the plane and go home! :-)
  • I'll check in with you all once I arrive safely. 
Talk to y'all soon!


1 comment:

  1. Be safe Ginger! If anyone can traverse across Dengue Fever-ridden lands and come out unharmed, it's you!
